Firmware v2.8.0 build 33 for DAS-4192DC chassis IP DSLAM Release notes file. Changes (in comparison with version 2.6.0 build 123): 1. DHCP, transaction table entry index issue when creating a new entry - fixed. 2. SNMP-SET alarm reporting and suppression does not refresh current alarm table - fixed. 3. Failed to enable 32th PVC after enabling 31 ucast PVCs and enabling 1 MCAU, then disabling MCAU. 4. Packet filtering FCF source/dest port CLI layout - modified. 5. Status lcstatus show (lc status should show down when lc link down) - fixed. 6. Config nc show / status uge show added medium (show fiber when uge enable and linkup, show n/a otherwise) - modified. 7. IGMP proxy, NE will send more than 1 "report A" back to mcast router if there'are more then 1 clients joined the group A and when mcast router send "general query" to NE. (to the same group, NE should send only 1 "report" packet back to mcast router) - fixed. 8. IGMP snooping, the "query" packet's 802.1p will be 0 that NE sent to client when NE got the "query" packet from mcast router and it's 802.1p is not 0 - fixed. 9. DHCP stateful message will show "Illegal DHCP user" when STC is off and LC is Qs-Qc mode - fixed. 10. IGMP, if VC-VLAN 802.1p is not 0, console will show "over MCAU stream number" if send the same join packet again - fixed. 11. Change CLI "config igmp show" filed "response interval" to "query response interval" - modified. 12. DHCP, Qc mode, multiple same ACK packets will cause "over DHCP IP limit" issue - fixed.