DI-524UP Firmware Release Note  

D-Link Firmware: v1.06_patch01
Date: 2008/9/18

1. When pptp mode disable the hw nat. the hw nat abnormal in Russia pptp server.

D-Link Firmware: v1.06
Date: 2008/5/14

1. Fix word bug for WEB UI.

D-Link Firmware: v1.06
Date: 2008/5/9

1. Modify WEB UI for 802.1x.
2. RUSSIA dual access mode, dhcp server ip is diffreent device subnet,the renew packet will send into PPP interface.

D-Link Firmware: v1.05
Date: 2007/12/13

1.b28 do not solve the igmp bug. Cause another bug.

D-Link Firmware: v1.05
Date: 2007/11/28

1.The igmp proxy send the v2 leave in wrong MAC.
2.change the dlink version to v1.05

D-Link Firmware: v1.06
Date: 2007/11/08

1.the pptp mtu problem.when the pptp server(ip interface) MTU is less than the ppp mtu,we adjust the ppp mtu to ip interface MTU.(Why do this. Bc romedriver do not support fragment packet re-assembly).
2.Wireless multicast streaming performance issue.
3.pptp + PHY ip ftp will cause the pptp disconnect.
4.pptp connect-disconnect 16 times will cause the pptp can not dial success.
5.PPPoE server do not assign server ip problem.

1.Add 802.1x 

D-Link Firmware: v1.05
Date: 2007/08/20

1.Base on v4.0.0b25 change the dlink version to v1.05.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/07/26

1.IGMP proxy default version using V2(org is V3)
2. Add the multi-pppoe domain route
Usage: *.kimo.com.tw,www.*.com.tw ….
NOTE: The PC on LAN should clear the dns cache.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Alpha Firmware: v4.0.0b24
Date: 2007/07/20

2.Add mac clone on normal PPTP
3.Add dmz on Russia dual wan access.
3. change the connect/disconnect behavior on Russia dual wan mode(PPTP). Do not do dhcp release

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/06/21

4.Add the MAC clone on Russia PPTP dual access.
5.FIX the DYNDNS authentication bug.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/06/01

1. IGMP proxy work on Russia dual wan interfaces
2.Change the PPTP +DHCP behavior .When PPTP dial 5 times fail ,we do DHCP release and renew IP ,then re-dial PPTP.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/05/22

1. ping PHY IP fail on PPTP DUAL mode
2.The virtual server port 80 on PHY IP fail.
3.URL filter cause packet FLOOD.
4.PPPoE Service name error.(need do factory reset)

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/05/08

1. Add the virtual server on PHY IP.
2. Add the port trigger on PHY IP.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/05/02

1.Dns relay will query server one by one when the server response fail.
2.     Add dns and remove gateway on pppoe dual wan PHY IP interface
3.    Add the max static route to 35.

1.  TCP 52869 is open on wan
2.  The pptp(l2tp) will not trigger if user press disconnect on web
3   DNS relay bug. That will let DPH-300 register fail.

D-Link Firmware: v1.04
Date: 2007/04/25	

2.Add Russia PPPoE dual wan .
3.Add Russis PPTP dual wan.
4.Add Route table setting.
1. The napt session information dispear when the session is in asic napt.

D-Link Firmware: v1.03
Date: 2007/03/23

Change the rtl8185 wireless driver.
Because some vista client can not connect to AP in old driver version.

D-Link Firmware: v1.03
Date: 2006/12/18 

Base on the b15(2006-10/17 17:40) code remove the write buffer method in writing flash.
The write buffer method write fail up to 15%.
Other is same as b15.

D-Link Firmware: v1.03
Date: 2006/10/17

Chinese Web display error on windows 98 IE 6.0

D-Link Firmware: v1.03
Date: 2006/10/16

1.DHP-100 dect phone ,teltel voice call fail .
2.Support raw printer.
3.  Can not get real product model name of Epson stylus c45.
4.  Support dlink ddns and the dyndns with custom and static.

D-Link Firmware: v1.02
Date: 2006/05/15

3.Smartbit test fail issue(ARP timeout issue)
4.Add url home is “routers.dlink.com”
5.PPTP l2tp connect issue.
6.default ssid is “dlink”

D-Link Firmware: v1.02
Date: 2006/03/30

7.Smartbit test fail issue(ARP timeout issue)
8.Add url home is “routers.dlink.com”
9.PPTP l2tp connect issue.
10.default ssid is “dlink”

D-Link Firmware: v1.02
Date: 2006/03/07

1.l2tp bug

D-Link Firmware: v1.01
Alpha Firmware: v4.0.0b10
Date: 2005/12/26

2.WebPages cancel button did not work in “Advance” category.

D-Link Firmware: v1.01
Date: 2005/12/26

1.PPTP/L2TP can’t get DNS ip from server.

D-Link Firmware: v1.01
Date: 2005/12/23

1.Add multi-language selection under the menu.
2.CD router scaling test item fail.
3.SIP ALG did not work properly (Content-Length not be adjusted).
4.WAN static ip can’t set a legal ip address. (ex.
5.PPTP/L2TP would hang when WAN receive ip multicast packets if IGMP proxy is disabled.

D-Link Firmware: v1.01
Date: 2005/11/23

1.Bigpond connect button in device status web page did not work.
2.WAN auto detection did not work.

D-Link Firmware: v1.01
Date: 2005/11/16

1.Add WAN physical link status information for PC wizard utility.
2.UpnP internet connection status window would disappear after open it.
3.Bigpond can’t login.
4.Add web restart page with countdown message.
5.Wireless with WPA/PSK auto, the LAN to WLAN broadcast packets can’t be received by wireless client.

D-Link Firmware: v1.0.0
Date: 2005/10/19

2.Wireless Mass Production ctx command fail.

1. Single firmware for multi-language, now supported languages are English and Chinese.

D-Link Firmware: v1.0.0
Date: 2005/10/6

1.PPPoE manual disconnect then connect, the Internet access fail.
2.When enable QoS (MAC,IP,Application), the LAN/WLAN wireless performance become very slow.
3.PPPoE dial fail if user name contain ‘#’.
4.Client use WPA+AES or WPA2+TKIP can’t connect to AP in WPA/WPA-PSK AUTO mode.
5.Wireless station can’t access Internet (Affected by DONT_TOUCH_TTL function), we have to remove DONT_TOUCH_TTL feature.

1.Add IGMP proxy function.

D-Link Firmware: v1.0.0
Date: 2005/09/20

1.Print function fail when the “byte count” option is uncheck in windows printer setup.
2.Improve web page access speed.
3.Change the UDP session timeout from 15 to 1 minute.
4.BitComet complain “Add PortMapping fail”.
5.Topology information show WAN connect down when WAN type is static ip.
6.All kind of packets dropped when ip filter protocol option set to both.
7.Change policy route maximum entry to 32.
8.DHCP client blind accept ACK packets.
9.Active session fail.
10.Running Emule with Domain block enabled would crash device.
11.WPA-PSK pass phrase length longer than 54 bytes, AP function fail.

1.PPTP/L2TP server can be domain name.
2.Support TTL don’t touch for ISP may set TTL to 1.
3.Add, “email to” and email authentication support in Log Email setting.

Customer Firmware: v1.0.0
Date: 2005/07/11

1.Add WCN.
2.Add WPA2.
3.Shrink firmware size to fit into 2MB.

Customer Firmware: v1.0.0
Date: 2005/06/22

1.One USB port for printer function and RealTek wireless 8185 on board.
Problems Resolved: