DES-3800 series Firmware Release Note 
Firmware: 3.00.B29
Hardware: A1 & A2G for DES-3828 series / A1G for DES-3852
Date: November 13, 2006
1. Support 3-Level User Account
2. Support Radius Accounting for management access
3. Support Per flow mirroring
4. Support PIM-SM
5. Support hardware-based multicast replication
6. Support IP MAC Port binding ACL mode
7. MAC-based Access Control (MAC)
8. Support telnet client
9. Support for IP Setting to prevent from occupying IP address
10. Support log enhancement
11. When access violation (Port Security, IP-MAC-Port Binding), will record it to the Log
12. Send out SNMP Trap for IP-MAC-Port and Port Security violation
13. Support SIM 1.6 (to attach to the system VLAN)
14. PVID =1 for ports removed from any VLAN
15. Support SSH 1.5
16. Support Proxy ARP
17. Add two MIB objects to clear FDB table and ARP table

Problems Resolved:
1. The “show packet ports” page will be overlaid after refreshing.
2. SSH v2 does not work properly with Putty software.
3. Can not create IP interface via web interface 
4. Can not configure the metric of default route via web interface
5. Can not configure the Secondary interface if the IP address is greater than the Primary interface.
6. After rebooting device, the static ARP entry will be lost
7. Device needs around 10 minutes to boot up even when there’re only few ACL configurations.
8. Configuring bandwidth control will fail if the LACP group is already created.
9. If the traffic matches the ACL rule first and the result is “permit”, the bandwidth control function will not work.
10. Safeguard engine can not return to the normal mode when the CPU is not busy any more.

For DES-3828P, after downloading the firmware, it will take about 5 minutes because the PoE firmware will be upgraded as well.
Firmware: 2.00.B30
Hardware: A1
Date: April 14, 2006
1. Support Dual configuration 
2. Support STP Loopback Detection
3. Extends IP interface per VLAN from 2 to 10
4. Support Double VLAN
5. Support 802.1X Guest VLAN
6. Support IGMP V3
7. Support WRED congestion control
8. Support WAC (Web-based Access Control)
9. Support per port limit IP multicast address range
10. Rename the “CPU protection” with the “Safeguard Engine” feature.
11. Side fan and back fan (only for DES-3828P) log when failed or recovered.
12. RPS and main power supply log and trap
13. Support Route preference
14. Support per port shutdown function in the Broadcast storm control 
15. Remove supporting for legacy PD in PoE function

Problems Resolved:
1. The "zoom in" and " zoom out" functions were opposite in the SIM topology
2. Bandwidth Control doesn’t work from Web
3. SSHv2 can not work properly.
4. DES-3828P does not have the accuracy Power display, for example Power limit set to 15.4W, but the Current Power display is 16.7W.
5. When using D-View module to set ACL, ACL function fails
6. When using Tera Term SSH version 2.3.4, the program gives an error message saying "The program does not understand the servers version of protocol" and Devices will get into Exception mode.
7. Fix bugs of log with external power supply (DPS-200)
8. UDP Broadcast (attack tool) causes SIM fail and device reboot

Because the Dual configuration, the system setting will be cleared after the firmware updated to R2. It’s strongly recommended the user to backup the original configuration then to reload it after the upgrading.
Firmware: 1.00.B31
Hardware: A1
Date: Dec 27, 2005
Problems Resolved:
Fix the security issues recently reported for unauthorized system access.

Limit the access by passwords generated by "D-Link PWD calculator".
Before, if customers forgot their configured passwords, D-Link could generate passwords based on the MAC addresses provided by customers via D-Link HQ maintained PWD calculator. Thus customers can use those "backdoor" passwords via telnet/ web/ console to logon to their switch again.
Now the access of those passwords generated by "D-Link PWD calculator" will be limited to console access only.
This is to minimize the security concern.

This is a recommended security patch for your customers.
Firmware: 1.00.B23
Hardware: A1
Date:Aug 17, 2005

DES-3828/3828DC/3828P first release.
For functions support and configurations please refer to product spec and manuals for detail.